Methodology chapter complete…or so I think. This video shows how I feel right now.


Ugly packaging, great machine. Finally got my hands on an Aeropress (through Brown Bear Coffee Company), and I must say…the coffee is amazing. I’ve been using a ceramic coffee dripper for about three years (which I do love), then switched to French Press temporarily (which I didn’t particularly enjoy), and then back to dripper. Now the Aeropress joins the family!

Classic album covers in Google Street View – in pictures

Link: Classic album covers in Google Street View – in pictures
Also worth a browse, old paintings of London in modern settings

RIP Ultimate Warrior

 A few days ago I was browsing Tumblr and I stumbled on an article about the Ultimate Warrior being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Today, a sad article announcing the Ultimate Warrior’s sudden death appeared in Google News.

As a child, I watched wrestling religiously (this was way before WWF became WWE). Ultimate Warrior was up there on my list of favourites, even though by the time I really got into watching it, that generation was in many ways over, and the WWE found itself in a particularly low period due to scandals (these are details of WWE politics one seems to understand only as they grow older, when you’re young, you just wonder why all the wrestlers you grew up with are suddenly over at WCW).

RIP Ultimate Warrior.

Kalimat Issue 09

Hard to believe it has been three and a half years and nine issues. Kalimat Issue 09 is out - and it’s back in our initial format: online! Read it here: and for a limited time, you can download a free PDF version. Of course, don’t forget the podcast: (free to download or stream)

Kalimat | Issue 09 - Vol. IV
Kalimat is an open outlet for political, social, and cultural expression for Arabs across the region and the diaspora to share their ideas and work.